Friday, October 17, 2008

Nottingham Road and Changes in the Air

Well hello again. It's been awhile, and lots has been going on!! To start we went up to our good friends, the Butcher's, last weekend in Nottingham Road and had a stunning day on the farm. The kids got covered in good old fashioned mud in the dam - I had to toss their brookies away as they were so brown!!! We saw Paula and Andrew (Balmer) for a quick brunch as they were in the area, and saw Paula's swelling tummy!! They are all well and looking forward to their new bundle of joy - their due date for baby is on Rob's birthday - 19th Jan!!!

I have resigned from my job at i to i, and have been offered a fantastic half day accounting job in Westville. I start on the 1 December, so just in time for summer! I will be doing books in the afternoon from home, so have lots of new things on the cards!!

Sean has been really busy of late, they've picked up a few more principles, and soon I hope to do my grocery shopping at his office. He is now selling salmon, muffins, ostrich, cheese, ice-cream, spices, lamb and caviar!!!!

I have really been enjoying my gym of late, and although the scale is not going down drastically, I have been feeling much healthier and fitter!! Squash leauge is now finished - we had our end of year dinner this week.

We tried out the pool this weekend, and although slightly chilly, the girls are ready for summer! Sarah started swimming lessons this week, and tells me she is a fantastic dolphin. She is also convinced right now, that in the next week or 2, she is going to turn into a "Mer-Fairy". She is rubbing magic potion onto her cheeks, and soon she will grow a mermaid tail and fairy wings, and I must please be prepared and fill up the back of my car with water, so she won't dry out!!! I have also been told to stock up on seaweed, as that is what mer-fairy's apparently eat!!!

Anyway - have a good weekend, and I'll chat to you all soon.

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